- American Bar Association (ABA)- The leading professional organization for American attorneys.
- Center for Professional Responsibility- This center provides national leadership in developing and interpreting standards in legal and judicial ethics, professional regulation, professionalism and client protection.
- Criminal Justice Section – This section addresses today’s most important issues in the criminal justice system.
- International Law Section-This section promotes policy development and legal education throughout the world.
- International Criminal Law Committee-This committee deals with international aspects of domestic criminal law and international criminal tribunals.
- National Association Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) -Life Member–This organization strives to create a more rational and humane criminal justice policy in the United States.
- New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NYSACDL)-Sustaining Member– Members of this organization dedicate their time to protecting criminal defendants’ rights by being well-trained defense attorneys.
- New York Criminal Bar Association (NYCBA)– Members of this organization work to preserve the rights of criminal defendants throughout the New York City metropolitan area.
- International Bar Association (IBA)– This leading group influences international law reform.
- Criminal Law Committee- This committee monitors developments in international criminal law.
- Professional Ethics Committee- This committee seeks to promote the high standards of professional conduct and ethics on a global basis.
- Federal Bar Council– Dedicated to promoting excellence in Federal practice for Courts in the 2nd Circuit and encouraging respectful, cordial relations between the bench and bar.
- Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts– Provides Pro Bono legal services for artists and art organizations in New York City.
- Puerto Rican Bar Association– You do not have to be Puerto Rican to appreciate this Association’s trail blazing efforts to ensure qualified diversity in the legal profession and judiciary.
- The Phyllis and David Komansky Center for Children’s Health at
New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center - Family Advisory Council: Oliver S. Storch & Geidy Perez-Storch
- Burn Center Advisory Group: Oliver S. Storch
- New York Road Runners – Oliver Storch and his wife Geidy Perez-Storch both completed the grueling 2006 ING NYC Marathon to raise money for charity.